the sillies

the domestic cat or house cat (felis catus) is a small, domesticated member of the felidae family. originally believed to have been tamed for pest control, humans have sought companionship with these creatures for thousands of years. they come in many shapes, colors, and sizes, but the most common breed is the domestic shorthair.
house cats are very skilled hunters with an agile body, retractible claws, night vision, and an excellent sense of smell.
cats are often considered "easy" pets, animals you dont have to look out for as much compared to dogs. with that in mind some cat owners let their cats roam outside unsupervised. being one of the most popular companion animals, cats are considered an invasive species in several parts of the world.
cats are naturally skillful solitary predators. as well as hunting for food, they also hunt for "sport". theyve contributed to the extinction of several species of prey across the globe due to the overpopulation of outdoor and feral cats.
it is important to spay/neuter your cats and keep them indoors, not only for their safety, but also for the health of other cats and your enviornment.
i have always had a liking for cats ever since i was a kid. i used to beg and beg for one. it was not until a few years ago that my love for cats became what it is now.
i adopted my first ever cat, Trixie on June 13th, 2022. a beautiful

— BRIG (looking for work) (@Its_Brig) June 13, 2024