
welcome to my music page!

this page is dedicated to a medium i rely on a lot, music! its pretty self explanatory. here you can find all of my favorite songs, albums, and bands categorized by genre. all of my favorite music always has a story behind it. i also log my collection and any new music i find thats noteworthy. there is not a place i go or a step i take that im not listening to music. if you have any recommedations, pls send them my way! i love discovering new music and artists ^_^

my collection

hate dept.technical difficulties
aural vampire kerguelen vortex
aural vampire zoltank
ministry psalm 69
surgical meth machine
stabbing westward darkest days
splatunesplatoon OST
skinny puppytoo dark park
nine inch nails broken
nine inch nailsthe downward spiral
nine inch nailspretty hate machine
alice in chainsdirt
tool undertow
white zombieastro-creep:2000
jesus jonesdoubt
jesus jonesliquidizer

music log

i absolutely love industrial music. it is undoubtly the genre of music i listen to the most. rivethead 4 life!!!!!!!!!!!!!
all time favorites


aural vampire

my favorite band, ever. usually when i enjoy an artists music, i can find simular other artists of that style. that is not the case for aural vampire. ill never find music that fills the holes in my brain as nicely as theirs does. seriously epic flawless discography. if aural vampire has 0 fans i am dead.


aggrotech perfection. i could pig out on this album until i am dragged out the buffet by law inforcement. though if this album were a food itd probably be rusted bloody nails topped with mystery gravy found dripping from the ceiling of an abandoned hospital. with that being said, bon appe freaking teet. i adore this album.

fav track: messiah (heretical rmx)


ministry - just one fix

this song isss EPIIICC!!!!!! i will never EVER get tired of this classic industrial gem. i have to move some part of my body while listening or else my bones will shatter from the tension.

home about me shrines music gallery


"jelkin it"

Mood: The current mood of doggirlposting at

ash's blurbs

this is a catch-all for all the alt. rock/metal music i like that doesnt fall into the industrial category. it was never a phase......, (///_-)

ash's all time favs

Band Pierce the Veil
probably one of the few popular emo bands with a completely unskippable discography IMO. mayb that makes me a bit basic but the music is so good i fr start having a temper tantrum. WAAAAH!!!!!!!!! luv them sm heart hands
Album Pierce the Veil - Misadventures
i love this album SO MUCH it hurts.. it hurts me.... there was a time where i had on loop for weeks straight. i put this album under my pillow as i sleep for good luck. a tattoo of it is sitting on the waitlist. i cannot even tell you my favorite song from this album cuz i love them all equally. my love for this album cannot even be contained in a tiny text box on a website.
Song This Armistice - Bulletholes in Concrete
absolutely BEAUTIFUL song. not much else to say really. not even at the brink of death will i ever press skip on this masterpiece.

ash's alt. rock/metal favs

these are some of my alt. rock/metal favorites! click on any to visit a youtube or spotify page!

Pierce the Veil

Pierce the Veil
Selfish Machines

This Armistice
(New Breath + New Heartbeat) = Change

Koi No Yokan

The Mollusk


Sleeping with Sirens
With Ears To See And Eyes To Hear

Kurutta Taiyou



this page contains some stuff with bright, flashing colors which some web explorers might be sensitive to.
its nothing TOO much, this is just a precaution!


i love electronic music!
my electronic ALL TIME FAVS!
  • Band
  • Album
  • Song

i know electronic music is pretty broad, but i truly love all of it! ive been a fan of electronic music since i was a kid. everyone say thank you scary monsters and nice sprites.

machine girl

i flipping love machine girl. i mean most people do, its not hard find atleast one song of theirs youll like. they have easily have been on my top artists for YEARS now and thats not going away anytime soon. musical GENIUSES. matt pls dont ever die the world needs u 4ever.
an INSANE album with hit after hit after hit. if you havent listened to his album, what have you been doing? seriously. go do it right now. YEA HELL YEA!
fav track: sexy girl
dude this song. DUDE THIS SOOOOOOOONG. putting my feelings for the masterpiece with only words feels like a disservice. i need to video myself bouncing off the walls and doing cartwheels in mid-air to truly get my point across. this might very well be my most favorite song of all time. though some have gotten very close, no song has beaten the euphoric feeling i get listening to this. the best song to come out of the peak brony era, and i am taking ZERO comments. this is not an opinion, its fact.
my electronic FAVS!

some of my electronic favorites! click any to visit either a bandcamp, youtube, or spotify page.

work in progress, come back later! :-)
work in progress, come back later! :-)