
ash always online...
he/she 19
feeling: The current mood of doggirlposting at

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some pages may have autoplay music and a ton of stuff to load in!

welcome to circat!! this website was made by connecting all sorts of wires directly to my brain, feeding the information into a coding software and hosted on im in incredible pain every day but its worth it.
my name is ash, i also go by zorocat/zorotac on other platforms. im just a little lesguy who has a passion for all things creative and the internet. if u enjoy my digital brain space pls leave a msg abt how much it sucks on my guestbook <3. im not super protective over my code. copy and paste my source code as you please IRDGAF. if you have any accessibilty issues with this site, PLEASEE let me know!!!! if ive used something of yours that you want credit or taken down, i am more than willing to accommodate. just hmu!

pic of the day

the gang gets the news

fav song atm

link me!

update log

7/21/2024 - shrine page and cat shrine now posted

7/19/2024 - index redesign complete! yay!

7/15/2024 - i have risen from my slumber....

3/27/2024 - about page finished. it totally didnt take me two whole weeks to do that whaaat hahah....

3/4/2024 - home page finished!! yayy!!! took me long enough
-_- now i can get to the fun part

2/18/2024 - main framework of home page now hosted!

2/14/2024 - decided to do a complete makeover of my website!! it was cute but i was not very happy with the layout and code.

2/1/2024 - about me page finished!!!!!

1/28/2024 - have done most of my about page.. it took me so long.. i am POOPED!!!!!

1/25/2024 - built the skeleton of the about me page and added the leaders of circat (my cats) for everyone to honor. i also discovered that the text spacing is strange on firefox and i dont know how to fix it. Eek!!!!!!!

1/24/2024 - home page finished!! new webamp, mini profile, a few design tweaks, and a floating zorocat hehe

1/23/2024 - some layout tweaks, fancified the navigation bar and middle text thingyy

1/22/2024 - added a new title banner made by my good friend finn (sicklikeadog on twt) and i made my site button!1!

1/20/2024 - welcome to the world circat!! the bare bones of the site have just been built. may this site grow into a big strong healthy bundle of code.

contact me @ or twitter
Twlight Woods photographed by James Mills


my pawesome neighbors

all of my epixxxxxxxx mutuals! check em meowt!


sites that i use frequently while coding. circat approved!

other cool junk

non coding related stuff/resources i like that you should check out too!