8/20/2024 - WIP music page uploaded

8/10/2024 - about me page updated and refreshed

8/5/2024 - gallery page added

8/4/2024 - derpy hooves shrine added

7/21/2024 - shrine page and cat shrine now posted

7/19/2024 - index redesign complete! yay!

7/15/2024 - i have risen from my slumber....

3/27/2024 - about page finished. it totally didnt take me two whole weeks to do that whaaat hahah....

3/4/2024 - home page finished!! yayy!!! took me long enough
-_- now i can get to the fun part

2/18/2024 - main framework of home page now hosted!

2/14/2024 - decided to do a complete makeover of my website!! it was cute but i was not very happy with the layout and code.

2/1/2024 - about me page finished!!!!!

1/28/2024 - have done most of my about page.. it took me so long.. i am POOPED!!!!!

1/25/2024 - built the skeleton of the about me page and added the leaders of circat (my cats) for everyone to honor. i also discovered that the text spacing is strange on firefox and i dont know how to fix it. Eek!!!!!!!

1/24/2024 - home page finished!! new webamp, mini profile, a few design tweaks, and a floating zorocat hehe

1/23/2024 - some layout tweaks, fancified the navigation bar and middle text thingyy

1/22/2024 - added a new title banner made by my good friend finn (sicklikeadog on twt) and i made my site button!1!

1/20/2024 - welcome to the world circat!! the bare bones of the site have just been built. may this site grow into a big strong healthy bundle of code.